About us


The projects that we develop in the Provincial Agrarian Cooperative of A Coruña are a real and effective bet for the Galician dairy sector

Among the activities that the CAP is currently developing is the Technical-Economic Advisory and Farm Management service, to guide the farms in the development of eco-compatible and economically sustainable farming practices and the Substitution service to respond to a of the demands of the sector, fundamental to improve the quality of life in Galician livestock farms. It also collaborates with the Center for Agrarian Research of Mabegondo and with centers for teaching and training technical personnel (Escuela Politécnica Superior de Lugo, EFA Fonteboa).


Granxa O Cancelo: from theory to practice

"Granxa O Cancelo" was born with the objective of serving as a testing center for crops, more profitable management systems, adaptation and integration of livestock production in its surroundings, training of technical personnel, improvement of livestock welfare and laying in march of new lines of business that allow the creation and maintenance of jobs in rural areas.

Having quality milk, it was time to make quality ice cream. This is how Bico de Xeado was born. 100% natural Galician ice cream with fresh milk only pasteurized.


Classroom Disclosure

In the CAP, we consider it of special interest to develop a work to transmit to society the importance of the dairy sector at an economic, social and environmental level. Its objective is to bring the sectors of consumers and producers closer together and disclose the operation of a farm, how cattle feed, where they rest, and how milk is transformed. In this sense, work is being carried out in the "Dairy sector diffusion room". We receive visits from schoolchildren, consumers and anyone interested in knowing us.

In short, the CAP is committed to the development of new ways of transformation and commercialization that have an impact on the approximation of quality products (milk and derivatives) to consumers. At the same time, energy consumption and waste generation are reduced.

Always with the best dairy milk

Top quality, 100% artisanal milked in our dairy farm

The main ingredient of all our ice creams is the milk coming from our dairy farm O CANCELO FARM. It is 100 % natural with the best organoleptic qualities in market. It is UNIQUE as it is not Industrially adulterated.

O Cancelo

Cancelo Dairy Farm

From the Galician greenland of La Coruña, is the base and the essence of all our products, where the taste and the creaminess of Bico de Xeado is born. There we take care of our cows, keep a sanitary control, their food and quality life. Only with happy cows you may obtain high quality milk.

Proceso artesanal

Artisanal process

We take care of every step taken in our elaboration process of our artisanal ice cream

As we work in our own workshop we can control all the process of our fresh milk. From the very moment of chosing the best ingredients, the labelling and packing, there is always a team member which will provide cuddle to our ice cream where machines may not reach. A tough process which distinguishes us from any industrial process.

El equipo

The team

We have the best team we could wish, Committed Professionals with the project and constantly wishing to improve.

Selected ingredients

Selected ingredients

Natural, nearby and with maximum freshness and high quality

We don't add any flavouring nor artificial colourants. Every product added to our mixtures is picked rigourosly: fruits, cocoa, honey, dried fruit and nuts, cream, yogurt... We are a company committed with our enviroment, ussing local and nearby products as much as possible.

The result

The result

Our process and ingredients guarantees us an unbelievable texture and complete homogeneity in our ice cream. It contains less air in the mix and a unique creaminess : cream, vainilla, chocolate, coffee liquour.. Which flavour are you going to taste today?